Wednesday, February 18, 2009

AM Week 6

Really quick post with a bit of an update. Having to rethink the last 30 frames or so - so I haven't done much there. Here's the update so far.

Monday, February 09, 2009

AM week 5 (I think)

Now that the ballkick is done - on to the gap jump. And I had to get the Indiana Jones thing out of my system - so I'll do it now. Rough blocking pass - got a ton of good notes from my mentor, Peter Kelly - I'll be working on pushing some poses and tweaking some timing. But for now - here's first pass blocking/planning.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Animation Mentor Week 4

I think I'm chalking this one up to abandoned... er..... done. Time to move on to something else.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Animation Mentor Week 3

Still working on the ball kick exercise. Still have another week to polish this up - but no longer in the blocking stages. A lot left to do , but its on its way.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Animation Mentor 2

It has been awhile since I've updated, mainly because I moved from Chicago to Los Angeles a couple of months ago. I had to take some time off from Animation Mentor, but now I'm back--- and hopefully with more updates.

For now - I've started my blocking pass on a ball kick excercise. Will be interesting to see how this finally turns out.